New Blog

I’ve started a new blog to hold all of my paintings. I decided that this one needed to remain about invisible illnesses and not about painting. You can visit it and see all of my paintings at:

It is a shame that I can not take pictures straight, but the paintings are all in there no matter then slight angle. Hope you enjoy!

Also, our 17-year-old dog passed away last week and I’ve been broken-hearted since. I will never own another inside dog because the loss is greater than I can handle. She was such a good dog and rotten to the core. It is going to take a lot of time to get out of her routine, feeding, going out to use the bathroom, her excitement when we get home from town and her overall good naturedness. She is so missed.

Sacred Journey Devotionals - Where Christianity and Metaphysics Meet

"Sacred Journey Devotionals are words filled with love, truth, patience, peace and internal exploration. Don't be afraid to follow your heart, for it is there that you will find the truth you have been searching for all this time. God loves you and wants the very best for you. More than anything, God wants to have an active and intimate relationship with you." ~ Rev. Marcia F. Davis

Reflect His Word

Transform your life

To Live is Christ

Learning to live by the indwelling life of Christ.

Coffee With The Lord

The Best Way To Start the Day- Coffee With The Lord

The Heart of a Pastor

"My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe." (Psalm 45:1)

Getting Well God's Way

New Insights for a New Age

Patty Radish

Sharing My Creative Life

Trying to Craft

my diary of handmade crafts and other stuff.

Art-full Journey

Art Journaling, Painting, Enameling, and More

Let's Art Journal

Expressing life through endless creativity in words and pictures

My So Called Crafty Life

The life and times of a craft addict

Invisible Illnesses

Awareness, Education, Research & Quips

Thoughts in Print

words and abstractions of little consequence