Scent – Daily Prompt

There must be a special scent associated with doctor’s offices, hospitals and clinics. I can go to any of these and come home and my dog Chloe will sniff me up and down. But if I go to the store, she has no interest in sniffing me. I do not smell a special scent at the doctor’s office, but she does and she has to sniff for a long time. If I have a band-aid from where they drew blood, she will linger in that area for a longer time, even if I have taken the band-aid off before I get home. She isn’t concerned with my alcohol swabs at home for my insulin shot. I know dogs have a lot more olfactory receptors than humans do, but she is very sensitive to the doctor’s office, hospital or clinic scents. Silly dog, she’s my furbaby and I give her all the time she needs to sniff. She’s 16. We adopted her as a pup in early 2001 and I don’t think she was very old at adoption. So if I have a strange scent on me and she wants to sniff it, I give her all the time she wants to sniff away.

Replacement – Daily Prompt

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had replacement parts for our brain. I would replace depression with happiness. Stress with peacefulness. Anxiety with calmness.

But we do not have replacement parts for our brains, we do have cognitive control of our brains though, we can train it to behave. To de-stress, to push anxiety aside, but I have yet to be able to rid myself of depression without medication. I suppose medication is my replacement for depression. It has helped a great deal and I do not see myself going off of my medication any time soon. I’m sure it is helping with stress and anxiety too. I don’t really think I could do a complete replacement of stress and anxiety without medication.

Cognitive behavior takes training and for me it took a lot of therapy to learn how to do the simplest of behavior modifications. I’m sure it comes easier for some people.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people’s difficulties, and so change the way they feel.


Vivid Lucid Dreams

I have been having the most vivid dreams lately. So brightly colored and realistic. I wake, not necessarily remembering the dream itself, but knowing I controlled the outcome of the dream. This is called “lucid dreams”.

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware of dreaming. During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment.

I’ve been able to have lucid dreams for many years now. I learned how through therapy. If I can get my brain to cooperate during a nightmare, I can turn it around and make it a pleasant dream.

As for colors, there are a lot of different researches on what colors mean in dreams. I don’t really care what they mean, I just enjoy the fact that I do dream in color and not black and white. It makes the dream more real and leaves me with a feeling of euphoria, something I seldom have while awake. This leads me to believe that while in my dream state my brain is working hard to erase all the stress I put it through during the day time hours. Stress of worrying about things I can not change.

It is a proven fact that while sleeping the body is in a healing state, so I do not fight sleep. I accept it as a needed part of life. So when I started having insomnia, I knew my body was not working properly and sought help from my doctor. He prescribed me a stronger antidepressant that helped me rest more at night and is proving to be beneficial for my stress and depression during the day. I have felt much better during the days and though I still run out of energy and have to take a nap, I am getting a few things done that I was unable to do before this medication.

All in all, the body needs time to heal. Sleep is a good thing. If you have bad dreams, try to control those dreams, I am not a professional, so I can not tell you how to control them. Maybe ask your therapist about it, or read up on it. It has helped me to rest easier, instead of waking up scared to death. Just knowing that there is a way to control the outcome of a dream is worth researching, in my opinion.

I find it fascinating just how vividly colored my dreams are and how easy it is to manipulate those dreams to suit my personal need for a good outcome.

If you would like to know about colors, here is a link.


A fellow blogger, Penelope at Following Him Beside Still Waters, brought my attention to a great link about lucid dreaming and how to manipulate your dreams. The link: 

There is so much good information at the link above and they promote Robert Waggoner’s book, below.



Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self by Robert Waggoner is the account of an experienced lucid dreamer who stumbles upon a new dimension of conscious awareness: the ability to interact consciously with the dream observer – the “inner self”.

Waggoner discovered that in lucid dreams we have both a psychological tool and a platform to understand dreaming and the larger picture of our psyche. He proposes five stages of lucid dreaming and guides readers through them, offering advice for those who have never experienced the lucid dream state and suggestions for how experienced lucid dreamers can advance to new levels. This book offers vivid illustrations that will intrigue anyone interested in consciousness, identity, and the definition of reality

Yellow – Daily Prompt

Here in the eastern part of Texas, we have had very few wintry days. By that I mean we have had zero wintry days. Maybe we got below freezing for a few hours on a couple of nights, but not enough to kill back my elephant ears. My elephant ears grow big every year and bloom a single yellow stalk of a flower. Very pretty.

The daffodils are already up and blooming their beautiful yellow flowers. It doesn’t take many warm days after a freeze for the daffodils to come up and bloom. They believe it is spring because temperatures have been so mild to hot. They are always early bloomers anyway, but I would like to see snow on the ground before they come up and bloom.

I have some other bulb flowers to plant that I bought last year for the grave sight of my beloved furbaby. She passed nearly a year ago but by the time I bought the bulbs it was too late in the year to plant them. I think now would be a great time to do that.

The trees still have some yellow leaves, but are starting to bud out, so those yellow leaves will fall soon. They never turned brown because they were so confused about the seasons.

I long for winter, gray days and rainy or icy nights. Some real wintry weather. We should have an Easter snap, as they call it. It might freeze then, right before Easter. It’s just a wait and see situation.

I hope you are enjoying your weather where ever you are. I am not enjoying the 60s and 70s. I want a real winter!


Automatic – Daily Prompt

I grew up in Texas, as everyone knows. My dad was a typical cowboy, boots, hat, horses, rodeos, the works. He also had a few guns. The one I liked was his 1911 .45 magnum automatic. It was a heavy gun, very powerful.

He drove an automatic transmission pickup truck and taught me how to drive in the hay field. I was so grateful that is was an automatic because I was scared to death I was going to do something wrong and get in trouble, but I did just as he told me and it worked out great.

As I got older and got my own job at a Natural Gas and Pipeline company, I had to learn to drive a standard, column shift pickup truck. That was challenging for me, though I had the basics down, push in the clutch, shift and release the clutch, my timing was off and nearly threw my teacher through the windshield a couple of times. It all worked out though, I learned to drive it, then I learned to drive a front-end loader while on the same job. But it was only a temporary job, and my time ran out. It was a fun job. I have fond memories.

Over the years, I have owned many cars and pickups, a variety of standard and automatics. I don’t think I will ever own anything other than an automatic again, it is just too much for this old woman to handle. Automatics all the way for me from now on.


Filter – Daily Prompt

An IC (interstitial cystitis) patient knows they need to drink water that has gone through a filter to remove all impurities. Otherwise those impurities could cause them to have a bladder flare. The pain of a bladder flare has been compared to stage 4 cancer. I’ve never had cancer, so I compare my flares to being stung by bees over and over.

I drink reverse osmosis water only. Water that goes through a filter is still not pure enough for my picky bladder. I never drink mineral water or tap water, it is just not worth the pain it might cause. But some IC patients find that filtered water is okay for them.

I’ve Been Tagged


I was tagged by The Purple Almond – Food to heal the body, mind and soul. Please go check out her blog, it is awesome! You’ll find out how to eat healthy, food preparation, and get spiritual nutrition as well.

A- articulate
B- blessed
C- coherent (sometimes)
D- diligent
E- eccentric
F- fighter
G- giver
H- hot (as in heat, I live in TEXAS!)
I- inspired
J- journalist (one who keeps a journal)
K- kind
L- loving
M- mindful
N- nonspecialist
O- opinionated
P- persistent
Q- quirky
R- resistant
S- sassy
T- tender
U- uninformed
V- voluptuous
W- weak
X- xerophile (An organism that flourishes in a very dry environment)
Y- yearning
Z- zoned

I’m not sure what the A-Z was about, but Tamara at The Purple Almond did it, so I’m doing it. And I expect everyone do it. It’s hard!

1. Mention Creator of tag
2. Use the image in the article
3. Mention blogger(s) who have chosen you
4. Answer the questions
5. Tag 9 other bloggers & let them know
Thanks to David for creating this tag game.
Thanks to Tamara at The Purple Almond for choosing me to participate! This is a great way to network with blogs in which I was unaware.
1. Describe your 2016 in 3 words –
exhausting, challenging, triumphant
2. Write the name of 2 people that have characterized your 2016. –
My husband & my son
3. Write the most beautiful place you’ve visited in 2016 and why you liked it so much. –
I always enjoy visiting my son’s house, his backyard is so beautiful. It’s just right down the road, but he does such a good job at maintaining his yard and landscape.
4. Write the most delicious food you’ve tasted in 2016.
My Aunt Joyce’s cheesecake.
5. Write the event which has marked you more of this in 2016? –
Having my left interstim replaced.
6. Write the finest purchase you’ve made in this 2016, and if you want to link a photo.
A 50 inch TV, I can see it very well.
7. Write 3 good intentions for this 2017. –
Try to get a diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome, Get out of the house more, Drive myself around more
8. Write 1 place you want to visit in 2017. –
Alaska, unlikely that it will happen, but that’s what I want.
9. Write 1 plate/food you want to eat in 2017. –
My Aunt Joyce’s Chinese dumplings.

Fibromyalgia Brain Fog

Today is not a good day for me, I’m feeling foggy and achy all over. I think the slight temperature change has brought on this flare of fibromyalgia.

I had a hard time writing my daily prompt earlier, I’m not sure it even made any sense, but I published it anyway. It brought back fond memories.

I’ll be resting today, for the most part, but will try to read as many posts as possible. Take care of yourself today and give yourself a break if you need one.


Growing up Simple – Daily Prompt

My life growing up was simple. We lived out in the country on some acreage with horses and cows. My dad worked at the National Scientific Balloon Facility (now named the Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility) and was a reserve Deputy Sheriff. My mom worked in a meat packing plant, but became a USDA food inspector later in life.

We did simple things, hauled cows, hauled hay, hauled horses. That is, when daddy was home. He traveled a great deal with his job, but he had a very interesting job. The balloon base was anything but simple, it was amazing. Scientist from all over the world came to our tiny town to launch their scientific gondolas under the high atmospheric balloons (not weather balloons) to take pictures of the atmosphere or collect atmospheric dust, plus many other experiments and data collecting devices.

We got to meet scientist from Germany, Peru, and many other countries. It was fascinating. I loved it when daddy would return from a trip and have his stories to tell about what he went through while away. I was silent, hanging on his every word. He would bring back little gifts too, that was always a wonderful part of my childhood.

The balloon base was so interesting. I got to go and watch balloons being launched and saw some split and fall before getting very far into the air. They were huge balloons, and filled to capacity as the helium expanded as they ascended into the atmosphere they would be large enough to fit the Astrodome of Houston.

I guess I grew up a lot more extraordinary and a lot less simple than I thought.


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.


Ten – Daily Prompt

When I was ten years old we moved from the neighborhood I had known my whole life to the country. I was devastated, going off and leaving my best friend and next door neighbor. But my parents had bought acreage and we had to go and live on it with the horses. I didn’t/don’t, like horses either!

Ten was a troubling age for me, so much change, a new house, no one to play with, I hated it. I think this is when I learned how to enjoy alone time. I found a tree that had a double trunk and right where it split was just enough room for me to sit my tiny behind. (Oh the days of being tiny!)

I found myself going to the tree truck often to sit and ponder the meaning of life. And to hide from the chores that went along with living in the country. I didn’t ask to move there or for any chores. I didn’t want a horse, or to feed it, brush it, ride it, none of these things were what I wanted. So what did I want? I wanted a motorcycle! But that didn’t happen for me until I was thirteen and had been thrown from the last horse I was to get on as a child.


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.

Devastation – Daily Prompt

This month the weather has left devastation in areas of Georgia, Texas and Italy. In the USA tornadoes have ripped through several southern states leaving paths of destruction, while in Italy an avalanche triggered by an earthquake left 3o people buried in a resort/hotel.

I googled news and found these facts to be true. Devastation being my key word for a search.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt. Not sure how to participate? Here are the steps to get started.


Keeping House

I missed blogging yesterday instead I added a page to my listings of invisible illnesses, Chronic Fatigue . After seeing my neurologist and going to the drug store to retrieve  a new dosage of medication, I was exhausted when I got home. I had been up since 3 a.m. and went by myself to town (that always causes me great anxiety). My husband stayed home with our elderly dog because she wasn’t feel well. She is 16, so I did not mind at all. I just got anxious driving, well, going by myself because I seldom go anywhere alone. But I conquered it and felt good about myself afterwards.

Back to the doctor’s visit… I told him how I have not been sleeping. Waking as early as 2:45 for the day ahead and how tired I have been, so he increased the dosage of a new medication he had put me on. I slept last night like I have not slept in a long time. I made it to nearly 6 this morning. Sure I had to get up and go to the bathroom once during the night but just once and I don’t remember what time it was. I like that! Not remembering, just going and getting back in bed and going right back to sleep. It makes for a restful night.

I have visions of grandeur for today. But realistically, I know I won’t have the energy to get all my chores done, but if I can get part of them done, I will feel really good about myself. I have been fighting this fatigue for so long that I know I won’t have any endurance. So I will have to take it slow and rest in between, or just do one chore per day until I get some endurance back.

People do not understand the hardships of being so tired all of the time. They do not understand the fact that we live in this house and there will be messes, it is not a show place and I have no outside help to clean it. It is up to us to take care of everything and I do not feel well enough to take care of one thing before another thing needs my attention. Some days, I pat myself on the back for getting the dishwasher loaded and running. Other days, I can get the floor swept and on rare occasions, mopped. My husband helps a lot, but he also works a full-time, physical labor job, with overtime involved. So I try not to ask much of him. Luckily for us, we seldom have visitors and are allowed to let that poof of dog hair in the corner stay there a day or two longer than it should. I get to it, but in my own time, when I am capable. Not by anyone else’s time-table. And I try my best not to feel bad about letting things go. I’m disabled for goodness sake, I have multiple illnesses that affect me in negative ways and I am allowed to take care of myself first. I MUST take care of myself first or there will be no me to take care of at all.

Remember this when you are falling behind on house chores, it is not a show place. It is where you live and living with illness means things will go undone. It is okay not to do every thing all at once, pace yourself. Do not think that you have to keep up with anyone else. Better homes and gardens are not coming to your house to interview you on your cleaning skills. If you can keep it livable, you are doing what is needed. I’m not saying to let it go so that it becomes a hazard, ask someone for help before that happens and do not be ashamed to ask for help. But if your child leaves some toys out for the evening, it is okay, they will play with them again tomorrow. Or teach your child the responsibility of picking up after themselves. If some dishes are left in the sink, it is okay, you will get to them, they aren’t going anywhere. Though I have threatened to throw them out. LOL

Be kind to yourself and your illness, don’t beat yourself up. A messy house does not necessarily mean it is a dirty house. Though I think mine falls under both categories. But it’s okay, I’ll get to it. Maybe I’ll get to some of it today. Wish me luck!


Why Me?

Don’t we all ask that question when we are diagnosed with a chronic condition? We have an overwhelming feeling of being let down by our God, the universe, the powers that be. We wallow in self pity, depression sets in and we withdraw from society. At least this was my route.

I took it hard when I was diagnosed with each and every one of my illnesses, but I think the worst disease I have and would wish to be rid of the most is Type 2 diabetes. I have no control over this monster. I read, I try to learn, I’ve gone to classes, I know nothing about this illness to this day. It eludes me. I’ll eat right and my blood sugar numbers are still too high, I eat wrong and my blood sugar numbers are still too high. I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to diabetes. Or what it is doing to me!

I take my medication as prescribed and yet my blood sugar is always too high. I do not have the ability to exercise due to my other illnesses, but I move around and get house chores done, when I’m able . I don’t know that it would help me at this point anyway.

My eating habits are out of control, I’m sure of that. I like food. I love food. It was drilled in my head as a child, that when you are sick, you have to eat to get well. I was a sickly child and very skinny. That skinny kid is still in there with those words ingrained in her mind. I’ve tried to overcome that way of thinking, but it is hard to change something your mother said to you nearly every day for the first 8 years of your life.

I need a nutritionist or coach to help me find my way. I need a psychologist to help me, but there are none available in my area. I saw one for 22 years and she retired, we never managed to conquer my eating habits. We were more centered on PTSD, anxiety and depression and the ability to get back out in society.

I’ve done research on various websites. is a good starting place, but it doesn’t explain to me the physiology behind diabetes in a way I can understand it, or why I have it in the first place.

Plus, I have a hard working husband to feed and if he wants meat and potatoes, he deserves to have meat and potatoes. I on the other hand, should not have potatoes, but they are so good! Oh, but I can have small amounts of carbs. That’s like telling an alcoholic they can have small amounts of alcohol. I’m addicted to carbs.

It’s a never ending battle between the carbs and the blood sugar numbers. I’m not good at fighting, but I’m trying. I eat a lot of salads and love blue cheese dressing, so I’m fairly safe with a salad. But my blood sugar still runs high.

All of this information makes me believe I have Cushing’s syndrome, because with Cushing’s syndrome, blood sugar is uncontrolled. So my efforts may not be in vain, but be caused by yet another illness that is near impossible to diagnose. It can take years to diagnose Cushing’s syndrome and one needs an endocrinologist to do the bidding. Again, none in my area.

Looks to me like I need to move! If only it were that simple. Until I get a diagnosis of Cushing’s I will keep trudging along with my diabetes and doing the best that I can with the diet and occasionally ask “why me?”.


Is it Insomnia?

I wake every morning around 3. I visit the little girls room, then I make coffee. I’m not a 3 a.m. kind of person! What is happening to me? I used to sleep a good 8 to 12 hours when I was not sick. I was one of those people who had to have my rest. Now it seems I don’t need any sleep. But I don’t have any energy either. I need rest, but I can’t sleep. I’ve not been diagnosed with insomnia, but that may soon change.

I’ve tried staying up late but that just leads to less sleep because once I get up to visit the bathroom, I’m awake. I’m averaging about 4.5 hours of sleep a night. That’s how long it takes for my night-time medication to wear off and my bladder to start screaming. But once up, it is too early to take my morning medication, so I have to wait another 4 to 5 hours. Once I take it, I’m ready for a nap.

There have been times that I have not napped during the day hoping for better sleep at night but none was achieved. So I went back to napping because I know my body needs the rest or it wouldn’t be hurting so bad, all the time.

I looked up the meaning of insomnia and it describes what I am experiencing, but I do nothing to contribute to it. I have my single cup of coffee when I wake up and no other caffeine during the day. I use my CPAP machine every time I go to sleep and I stay awake long enough after taking my night-time medications to give them time to kick in so I’m not laying there thinking about every tiny thing I’ve ever done wrong my entire life. But approximately 4.5 hours in, I’m wide awake.

It is now 4:45 a.m. and I am already starting to feel tired and I’m aching all over. This must be insomnia. I never thought I would be one to have to worry about sleep. I see my dr on Monday, I will ask him if I have insomnia and what can be done about it because I’d like to get up at a normal time instead of 3 a.m.

I’m not finding much positivity here this morning. It’s quiet. A fan is running. Neither my husband or the dog are snoring. I should be able to sleep! But I’m unable. Something positive, let me think… I’ve got nothing. Have a good day.



I needed a change, so I made one! I changed the whole layout of my blog. I hope you find it easier to maneuver and read. So far, I like it. There are a few tweaks that I need to make, but all in all, I think this theme is the one for me.

I did not like the fact that all of my page listings were at the very bottom on the theme before. I like how everything is up high now. I can’t seem to find a way to change the size of the actual blog, probably because I don’t know what it is called, but it consist of only showing part of the blog post instead of all of it, giving a link to follow to the rest of the blog.

You will now find my “page listing” beside my blog post. Also in that column are the blogs I follow, I’ve listed many so you guys get a lot of visibility. And in the third column is a way to follow me, either by email or via wordpress plus my affiliate links.

I think I have done some personal changing over the last few months. I’m not spending as much time in bed and I’m anxious every morning, (in a good way) to find out how my blog has done over night. It is growing, but I want it to grow faster. I do now know how to make that happen.

I am also eating better which makes me feel better. By the way, I had no New Year’s resolutions, because I never keep them, so these changes are just happening, they were not planned.

Going to bed a little later and trying to sleep a little longer has been something I’ve been trying out. It isn’t working so well. I still get up around 3:30 to 4 a.m. and then have to take a nap before the day is over. So going to bed later is making me a little less rested. I’ll keep trying it for as long as I can though because I am tired of getting up so early. I like to get out after my husband so he has to make the coffee.

Y’all have a good day. I’ll be tweaking on my blog a big today, but it will available to read at any time.



A Mother’s Nightmare

I’ll start by saying my son is a paramedic/firefighter. He has been in the field for about 10 years or so. He is good at what he does, he is compassionate and has a good work ethic. All required to be a good care giver, as we with illnesses know all to well. As his job requires him to go into burning buildings while everyone else is trying to get out, I’ve done my level best not to dwell on the issue. I worry about him, but not to the extreme because I know he works with a good bunch of guys that would do their level best to protect each other over anything else.

That being said, his job is 2 hours away from home, so he has to commute every 3rd day. He works 24 hours on and 48 hours off. It is a long commute with roads that are not the greatest. This was proven yesterday as he was headed to work in the rain and hydroplaned. He tried to correct it, he’s a good driver, so he knew what to do, but he was unable to make the corrections before going off the road and crashing. One of my worst nightmares came true when I got the call he had been in a wreck and totaled his car. I am so relieved that it was his voice on the other end of the line instead of someone else’s. He was talking to me and telling me he was fine. The cabin of the car remained intact and he was okay. I need not worry about anything.

I didn’t worry, I panicked! Anxiety went all over me, through me to my core and back out again. It was as if it were cycling through me, coursing through my veins. My only son totaled his car and was okay. But he totaled his car! How could he be okay? My mind would not wrap around the possibility.

Being the caregiver that he is, he sent me photos of the car and I could see just how he could be and was okay. The cabin of the car did stay intact and though he is sore from going around in circles and hitting a tree, he is okay.

He will get a replacement car soon, but until then, he will use my car as needed. I don’t go anywhere alone anyway and my husband and I can use his truck.


I will not say he was lucky because he was blessed. The only bad part is he had just put new tires on the car and it had a full tank of gas, all gone to waste now, but with no injury except some sore ribs, I will stand by my words that he was blessed. This is the first bad wreck he has ever been in, thankfully and hopefully the last.


Future Goals

My husband and I have plans for the future, even with me being ill, we plan to sell everything we possibly can and hit the road in an RV/motor-coach, some day. We already have a travel trailer for camping, but it is a lot of work to get set up to use, for him on the outside, and for me on the inside. But the very worst part of it for me is having to stop every hour to hour and half so I can urinate. This could also be the worse part for him too, but he would never admit to it. With a motor-coach we would have an on-board bathroom which would eliminate the need to stop as often.

We both wish it could happen sooner than later, but funds are not available at this time. They will come to us though, I have faith. I do not know how I will get my prescriptions while traveling. I get some via mail service and others from a chain pharmacy, so those won’t be hard to acquire, but the mail service ones will be tough to get. Plus I will have to figure something out about my pain medicine and how I will be able to get it, or enough of it to last several months. I don’t want us to have to travel from Alaska to Texas just for pain medication, or any medication for that matter.

I have thought that being near Washington, I might find a set of doctors to take on my cases. Urology, neurology, and a general practitioner and while we’re at it, toss in a psychologist and I’d be set. It would sure save some mileage on the motor-home. I want our visits to Texas to be for family reunions, not to just drive across the vast mass over and over again for medication. I might have to give it up and some of my medications just aren’t some I can give up.

So the only things I have to consider are:

  1. Money for this expenditure
  2. How to obtain my medication via mail order
  3. Finding new doctors to take on my cases
  4. How to go about selling everything off
  5. How to find the perfect motor-home to suit my illness needs

That’s about it, I think, I’ll probably think of 10 more things to consider once I publish this. I do wonder how I will do when I have a flare and we are living in a motor-home. I assume we will just stay parked for a while and let it pass, or I’ll stay laying down while my husband drives us to my new doctor’s area. I think it will all work out in the long run, just figuring out how to make it work out in the first place is the hard part.

Suggestions and comments about things I did not consider would be greatly appreciated.



Being Obviously Ill

With red eyes and cheeks. A nose that has peeling skin and sores, chapped lips and a hacking cough, people know you are sick. They take a seat a little farther away from you in the doctor’s office. I don’t blame them, I am sick! With fever up to 101 degrees and constantly having to blow my nose, I wouldn’t want to sit near me either.

Saturday and Sunday were bad days for me, to top off everything else, I had the worst cold I’ve had since 2013. The other symptoms don’t go away when you have a cold. I still have to get up and go urinate a dozen or more times a day. I think I was a little dehydrated as I wasn’t producing as much as I normally do. But the urgency was still there. I still hurt all over too, but I think it was exacerbated due to the cold.

My husband got me to the doctor this morning and I tested negative for the flu, which I knew I would, because we just went through all of this last week when my husband had this mess. It is just a really bad cold. It doesn’t help that the weather is going from the 40s to the 70s in the same day. I wish it would stay in the 40s or less. I miss winter.

I wanted to write today, even though my head is throbbing, because I started this blog in November 2016 and in less that 2 months time, I have already had over 1000 views. My head may explode from pride. I appreciate every single view I have had. I appreciate every single comment and every single person that has communicated with me about our dilemma of invisible illnesses. Thank you, each and every one.

Now with antibiotics swallowed, a nap is in order.


Mystery Blogger Award


So I was nominated for ‘Mystery Blogger Award’ and I’d like to thank for nominating me, you should check out her blog, they’re amazing.

  • Well, the “Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma 

So the award was created by Okoto Enigmato give  unseen bloggers a chance to show yourself to the world.

Rules For The Nominees:

  • Display the award logo on your blog
  • List the rules
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself.
  • Answer five questions from the nominee.
  • Nominate from ten to twenty bloggers.
  • Notify the bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one weird or funny question.
  • Share the link to your best post.


Three things about myself…this is getting hard.

1. I’ve never lived outside of Texas, true Texan through and through.
2. I don’t like country music, I’m depressed enough without listening to Waylon and Willie sing.
3. I had to google how to spell Waylon. That one is gravy.
4. I have a horrible cold right now and this blog is keeping me sane.


Questions from the nominator:

  • If you could be an animal which one would you be?
    A bird, so I could see everything that is going on in the world for a different perspective, even though I am afraid of heights, if I were a bird, that fear would be diminished.
  • If you could marry a celebrity which one would you marry?
    Jason Statham if I weren’t already married to my hunky husband.
  • Which blog do you think it’s your best (link it and I’ll read it)
    It’s a page not a blog post: Depression Rant
  • Which quote is your favourite? And why?
    Don’t count your chickens before they hatch…it’s common sense that a lot of today’s society is lacking.
  • If you could do only one thing before you die what would you do, and why?
    Go gold mining in Alaska and see the glaciers while eating fresh salmon. Because it’s hot as hell in Texas and I need a change.


Questions I’m asking of my nominees:

  1. Why did you start your blog?
  2. Do you feel young at heart or your age?
  3. What kind of vehicle do you drive?
  4. What is your favorite television program?
  5. What’s the last movie you watched?


My Nominees: (there won’t be 10 – 20)

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