Please pray for my husband

I wanted to ask for prayer for my husband, Doug. He had a heart attack on Wednesday morning. I got him to the ER before it became a massive heart attack and they got a stent in where there was 100% blockage. His heart rate won’t settle down now and they are talking about putting in a pace maker. I don’t drive and I’m having to do so, this is wearing me down to a frazzle. Please pray for us.

I will try to put updates as things improve or change. I’ve not taken much time for myself and this is one of those times I needed to take for both of us.

With all of the illnesses that I suffer, I am not good at being on this side of an illness. I don’t have the stamina to keep going and doing all the walking that is necessary to get from the parking lot to his room and just the pure fear of what has happened has really messed up my system, fibro is kicking in, my bladder is fighting with me, I’m having headaches, you name it, I’m having problems with it, but I have to remain strong for him.

Thank you so much for all of the good thoughts and prayers you can send this way.

Need prayer for the family

My friend will be taken off life support tonight. Please pray for the family and for me. Losing someone you have known and loved for 40 years is devastating. She was diagnosed in January and will die tonight. Metastatic lung cancer. When I’m over the shock I will try to write about this type of cancer.

Thank you for your prayers.

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