I Posted a Page – Migraine

I just posted a page called Migraine. You can find it under “Invisible Illnesses”. I will be trying to add more pages in the near future.

My main focus, of late, has been on selling Avon. I needed to supplement the family income, but few have ordered. I may have to stop selling, as I am selling more to myself than to anyone else.

I suffer from migraines and have a page under “My Invisible Illnesses” titled My Migraines. There you will find out how I handle my migraines and what works best for me. Mine tend to radiate down my neck in most cases. I know that when I have a migraine I often times wish my head would detonate and remove itself from my body. But that is not going to happen, it just feels like it will.

These pages will remain on my website for all to read at your leisure.


Infuse – Daily Prompt

Infuse, reprieve, survive – Daily Prompts

It has been nearly a week since I had my cystoscopy with hydrodistention. I was so concerned about going under, so afraid I would not survive this time. But as the time drew nearer, I had a reprieve in my thought pattern and realized I would feel much better after the surgery. After they infuse the bladder with the numbing medication, one would think you would wake up with no pain at all, but that is not the case, you are in extreme pain. Your bladder has just been reset, so to speak. It has been stretched beyond its limits and scar tissue has been broken apart. It has been taken out of it’s constricted state and reset to its normal state, whatever that might be for an IC patient.

I do not regret having the cysto/hydro, but I wish it had been closer to the date of my interstim replacement. The doctor had me scheduled for the 8th, but has bumped it to the 15th. He has to go out of town on the 8th. I will survive until then. I have my IC diet to keep my bladder calm until then. I have my IC diet to keep my bladder calm afterwards as well.

It is imperative that I maintain a bland diet to keep the flares away. I showed you what my bladder looked like in my last post. It was horrible, but maybe you did not get that all the blood vessels and blotches of blood were not supposed to be there because you did not see a normal bladder to compare it to. A normal bladder is smooth and does not have enlarged blood vessels or bloody blotches. While the IC bladder is riddled with bloody spots and enlarged veins and blood vessels. I will include pictures of both in this post.

I’m looking forward to the 15th, I will have a new interstim that should last at least 4 years, maybe 5 if I can run it a lower wattage. I really consider these things to be a miracle in the IC world, though some do not agree with me. For me, they have been a miracle.


1bladder 5.22.17   Normal bladder

An IC Bladder Image

Today I had a cystoscopy (a camera in my bladder) with hydrodistention (my bladder filled to capacity with medication) to help reset my bladder from being in a constricted state. The procedures always go together and are an actual surgery. I’ve had many of these done and they help with pain, frequency and urgency once the bladder settles down from the procedure.

I am in quite a bit of pain at this point in the day, the medications have worn off from the hospital and I’m back on my normal pain pills that are mild in comparison.

I write because I want people to see what an unhealthy bladder looks like. My doctor provided me with pictures of the inside of my bladder. All I can say is, no wonder I’m in pain!

Today was a bit trying, I was already nervous about being put under again so soon but almost instantly when they nurse started the antibiotic IV, my arm started turning red with an allergic reaction. It continued from the IV site to about 6 inches up my arm and around my arm, they stopped the antibiotic, gave me Benadryl and put ice on my arm until the redness subsided. Then they started it again and did the procedure.

When I woke up my arm was again wrapped in ice and whelped up worse than before. The nurse told me she could not believe they kept giving me the medication and she threw it in the trash and told me to write it on my allergy list. I had to stay in the hospital long enough for my arm to clear up, then I was allowed to leave, but there are still whelps on my arm, just not redness.

So when you look at this picture, notice the lighter spots, those are the color of a healthy bladder. A healthy bladder does not have any blood lines showing or blotches.

With no known cause or cure, it is very frustrating and painful to deal with this disease.

1bladder 5.22.17

May 4th International Firefighters Day

My son is a firefighter/paramedic, so this is a very important day for his profession. It takes a very strong-minded person to go into a fire, put their life on the line to save, not only people, but pets and possessions. They are mentally prepared for what is on the inside of a burning building, where we are running to get out, they are running to get in. They do not fear fire, they respect it and live to control it. Imagine running into a fire for someone you do not know, could you put your life on the line? Whether anyone is in the house or not, they sometimes enter a house to find the hot-spots. They are my heroes. Thank one today! I say “Thank You!”

Today, May 4th, is International Firefighters Day.

May 4 is the feast day of St Florian, the patron saint of firefighters. St Florian was the first known commander of one firefighting squad in the Roman Empire. He lost his life, as well as those of his colleagues, for protecting the same humane ideas which firefighters all over the world share even today.

International Firefighters’ Day is a day to show support for all firefighters worldwide, remember those lost or injured in the line of duty, and say thank you to all of our firefighters!

“The role of a firefighter in today’s society – be it urban, rural, natural environment, volunteer, career, industrial, defense force, aviation, motor sport, or other is one of dedication, commitment and sacrifice – no matter what country we reside and work in. In the fire service we fight together against one common enemy – fire – no matter what country we come from, what uniform we wear or what language we speak.”
– Lt JJ Edmondson, 1999

Firefighters dedicate their lives to the protection of life and property. Sometimes that dedication is in the form of countless hours volunteered over many years, in others it is many selfless years working in the industry. In all cases it risks the ultimate sacrifice of a firefighter’s life.

International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognize and honor the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions.

International Firefighters’ Day is observed each year on 4th May. On this date you are invited to remember the past firefighters who have died while serving our community or dedicated their lives to protecting the safety of us all. At the same time, we can show our support and appreciation to the firefighters world-wide who continue to protect us so well throughout the year.

By proudly wearing and displaying blue and red ribbons pinned together or by participating in a memorial or recognition event, we can show our gratitude to firefighters everywhere.

The IFFD ribbons are linked to colors symbolic of the main elements firefighters work with – red for fire and blue for water. These colors also are internationally recognized as representing emergency service.



Control – Daily Prompt

Yesterday was a difficult day. I felt out of control. I bought a new Dell computer with Windows 10 and it is still blowing my mind. I like things the way I like them, so I can find what I’m looking for easily and Windows 10 is a booger at letting me have things my way. I started developing a migraine last night and had to set it aside, but thankfully, the migraine did not materialize and I only have a mild headache.

I still have a problem with the new PC or Windows 10 as it is. I do not like the bar across the top that offers a search, or fast browsing and I do not know how to get rid of it. I googled it and followed those instructions without any luck.

If you can tell me how to get rid of that bar I would greatly appreciate it. So far Windows 10 is not my friend, but the new PC is very fast and I’m slowly getting it organized.


Apprentice – Daily Prompt

Couldn’t we all use an apprentice? Someone to take over our chores where we leave off, or learn from our verbal instructions. Not just a house keeper that comes in and cleans once a week, because they do the same thing each time, the things that I can keep up with.

I’m talking about someone who can follow my instructions and reach the high areas that have not been touched in a long time. The top of shelves in the kitchen, that I can not reach without getting on a step stool, which is dangerous for me with my illnesses.

I have had a house keeper. She did the normal chores, but would not do the extra work I wanted done, even with an offer of extra money. She did not want to get on the step stool either.

Being chronically ill really drags me down and my housework suffers. Having someone help me reach the areas that have gone untouched for way too long would be wonderful. As I am sure it would be great for all of us that are chronically ill.

I will reach that area of the kitchen one day, those shelves will get cleaned and I will rejoice, probably with a nap. Until then, I just try not to think about it, knowing my limitations, I will have to have someone here when I do tackle that chore. Apprentice or husband, someone will be here.


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