Pray for Texas

I’m writing today to ask that everyone pray for Texas. Houston, Galveston, Beaumont and Port Arthur are the main towns highlighted on the news, but there are many smaller rounded-glossy-black-icon-culture-state-texastowns between all of those that were hit just as hard and we need to remember them in our prayers.

I spoke with my son very briefly yesterday, he is a firefighter in Beaumont and things were very grim there. He had been working since 5pm on Tuesday evening and did not think he would be back home until Friday, if he got to come back home then.

We need to remember our hero’s as they work hard and go without sleep to help those in need. But do not forget all of the volunteers that have chosen to take off work and go searching for people to rescue with their own equipment.

So please pray for Texas and the hero’s that are working diligently to rescue those that are caught in flood waters.


How much more can I take. Part 2

Sigh. I tell you, I have been put through the wringer this year. And now my family is being affected. I just got off the phone with my son and he told me my grandson is having heart issues. They are doing blood work and he will see a pediatric cardiologist in about 2 weeks, but thankfully my son was home when the incident happened and he was able to hear it and take notes for the doctor. Seems his heart rate was very high and he felt like his heart was pounding out of his chest. He is NINE! It is amazing that he felt anything as active as he is but he felt it and reported it to his mom. Now to wait for the test results to come back and hope that it is just an imbalance of electrolytes.

Up until today, I have dealt with the surgeries, the possibility of carpal tunnel surgery, I have that test done on the 5th of September and my 5th surgery will be on Tuesday the 29th. Oh, that’s the 5th surgery for THIS year alone!

Let me tell you about the 4th surgery, wow! It was a simple cataract surgery, people have them everyday and it should have gone just fine, but me being me, well, it didn’t go as planned. The doctor hit a blood vessel on his way in with the needle to deaden my eye and it caused my eye to hemorrhage. They had to apply an extreme amount of pressure which caused a horrific black eye. Not just around the eye, but the eye-ball itself was black. It was hard to look at the first time I saw it when my husband took the bandage off, but I knew it would get better and go away eventually. I still have some purple under my eye and that seems to draw some attention to people who give accusing looks towards my husband. That really burns me up. Just ask me what happened, don’t assume something!

You want more disasters? I’ve got them. Our bank account was hacked. The hackers got away with 6 transactions to a Food Lion. I had never heard of Food Lion up until now. Luckily the bank refunded our money and was able to stop payment on the electronic checks they wrote. Oh but it gets better, I have received 6 notices from a collection agency telling me I have to pay for the transactions that the bank stopped payment on or they will pursue legal action. My nerves can’t take much more.

So I go in on Tuesday for my right eye cataract surgery, I am a LOT comprehensive. There is always the chance they will hit another blood vessel and give me a horrible black eye again, but there is also the very good chance they won’t. I’m choosing to believe that everything will go good with this surgery and the healing will take less time so I can get my glasses adjusted. I have astigmatism, so I will have to continue to wear glasses. I’m ok with that. I’m hoping that colors will be brighter once both eyes are done. I have a bit of color blindness and I hope that will go away too, but I don’t think it will since I have had it for so long.

I have been trying to take care of myself. Moving around as much as possible, keeping with my restrictions from surgeries and trying not to gain any weight. I’ve actually lost 6 pounds, what a positive! I needed a positive to come out of all of these events.

Take care of you and please keep me in your prayers and positive thoughts. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers in advance.



How much more can I take?

I’ve been absent from this blog for a while now. I’ve spent some time writing a few daily prompts, but I have not felt like doing that of late.

I’ve had 4 surgeries this year. I’m tired, so very tired and I have 1 more surgery to go to finish it up. But that is not really what is bothering me. I have started going to a new diabetic doctor. He is intimidating and that is not something I usually allow to happen to me. I usually speak my mind and fight for what I want, but this doctor has a way of making you feel inferior. I don’t like him. I don’t like his office staff, they too try to make you feel inferior. But, in this small town, he is the only actual endocrinologist and I need his expertise so I’ve been trying to suck it up and mind my manners, but today, I lost my cool.

I went and picked up new prescriptions and my insulin. I was surprised that my insulin was $100 cheaper than normal, but accepted it as something great and didn’t question it. ALWAYS QUESTION IT! I got 2 vials of insulin for that $100 where as I usually get 6 vials for $200. A huge difference. I was hot! Why would they only prescribe 2 vials of something I am going to have to be on for the rest of my life? It made no sense to me! Why not try to save me some money as much as possible? And WHY do dope heads get free drugs and we sick people have to struggle to make ends meet? Oh I’m on a soapbox now!

I know everyone has heard it before, so I will step off the soapbox, but dang it, it just isn’t fair and I’ve been through too much this year to have to deal with incompetent office staff and/or doctors. I always try to give a new doctor time to get to know me and my allergies, as I get to know their idiosyncrasies. But this bunch of idiots has me stymied.

AND after 1, ONE, new pill, I’m sick to my stomach. I hate being sick to my stomach. I can handle a lot of issues, pain, going to pee 20 times a day, sleeplessness, but an upset stomach worries me because I don’t know whether to put something on it or avoid everything. I took the pill with food, so that tells me that adding food isn’t going to help. Oh the dilemmas I face. ha! I need to stand back and take a good hard look at things. There are many people out there that have things much worse than I do. Someone is actually throwing up while I’m just fussing about a belly ache. I must find the positive. This new doctor is trying to get my diabetes under control. He is trying to get my vitamin D levels back up and he is trying to help me feel better. I must remember these things even though he has a weird attitude and his office staff are less than efficient. I will survive this, as I will survive the next surgery, making my total 5 this year. I think I will get to rest after that. I hope I will anyway. Pray for me if you are a prayer and if not, send me positive energy. I need all of the positive reinforcement I can get right now.



Help Me See The Invisible

Reblogging on Invisible Illnesses. Such a powerful story. Thank you!


It’s one of the most popular burger places across from Stanford University in Palo Alto. I stepped in the long line to order and a woman with an 11-year old boy got in line behind me. She warned her son several times to be patient, yet she was a tad bit irritated herself. A mother-son verbal conflict arose, complete with that’s not fair versus a you don’t always get what you want speech.

At first, I just listened. The boy was on verge of a chaotic meltdown, and honestly, I thought she should make good on her promise to take him straight home if his impatience continued.

But then…

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