Cushing’s Syndrome Symptoms

Symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome

Aching, sore joints, muscles and tendons. (may include such problems as carpal tunnel syndrome)
Anxiety, feeling ill at ease
Anxiety, irritability

The most prevalent of the symptoms.

Backaches, unexplained rib and spinal column fractures
Below normal temperature
Blurred vision
Bone weakness leading to fractures
Bone, joint and muscle aches, inflammation, and pains
Breast tenderness
Brisk reflexes
Brittle fingernails, which peel & break easily
Bulging eyes
Burning tongue
Cardiovascular disease
Carpal-tunnel syndrome, tendinitis
Changes in body odor
Chest pain that is not cardiac-related, such as pain in the cartilage or muscles
Chronic, crashing fatigue
Coarse, dry skin
Cognitive problems, such as difficulty concentrating or remembering
Damage to the hippocampus, a brain area associated with memory
Decrease in sexual function
Decreased energy
Deformed joints
Delayed reflexes
Depression and anxiety. Initially, however cortisol can produce a short term euphoric effect
Diabetes insipidus
Diabetes mellitus
Difficulty concentrating, disorientation, & mental confusion
Diminished resistance to infections
Disturbing memory lapses
Dizziness, light-headedness, episodes of loss of balance
Dry eyes
Dry eyes and mouth
Electric shock sensation under the skin & in the head
Elevated fever, higher body temperature
Enlarged thyroid
Enlarging feet (shoe size)
Enlarging hands (ring size)
Enlarging head (hat size)
Enlarging jaw (under bite)
Excess facial hair or growth on the neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, in women (Hirsuitism)
Excessive sweating and hot flashes
Exhaustion after minimal effort or exercise
Eye discomfort or pain
Fast pulse, fast heart rate
Fatigue, malaise
Feeling of swollen extremities
Feelings of dread, apprehension, & doom (includes thoughts of death, picturing one’s own death)
Fine, thin hair
Gastrointestinal distress, indigestion, flatulence, gas pain, nausea
Glucose intolerance
Gum problems, increased bleeding
Hair is rough, coarse dry, breaking, brittle
Hair loss or thinning. Head or whole body
Hair loss, loss of facial and scalp hair
Hair loss, round bald patches on the scalp
Headache change: increase or decrease
Heart palpitations
Heavier periods
High blood pressure
High blood pressure and high blood sugar
Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes, clammy feeling
Hyperpigmentation or dark tanning
Immune system suppression
Incontinence, especially upon sneezing, laughing: urge incontinence
(reflects a general loss of smooth muscle tone)
Increase in allergies
Increase in the “bad” cholesterol (“LDL cholesterol”) and a decrease in the “good” cholesterol (“HDL cholesterol”). There is also an increase in the blood triglycerides.
Increase in the aging of blood vessels, referred to as atherosclerosis
Increased drowsiness
Increased fat deposits around the neck area, upper back, midline
Increased permeability and fragility of the linings of blood vessels
Increased prolactin levels causing a milky discharge from the breast (galactohhrea)
Increased sensitivity to cold
Increased tension in muscles
Increased thirst
Increased urination
Inflammation of the nerves in the eye (Optic neuritis)
Insulin resistance
Irritable bladder syndrome, characterized by frequent and/or painful urination
and low abdominal discomfort in the absence of infection
Irritable bowel syndrome, characterized by painless diarrhea, constipation, bloating or hypersensitivity
Itchy, crawly skin (feeling of ants crawling under the skin, not just dry, itchy skin)
Jerking, rapid involuntary eye movement (Nystagmus)
Joint Stiffness
Kidney stones
Lethargy and lack of sleep
Loose bowels
Loss of bone mass, leading to osteoporosis
Loss of hair in outer eyebrow
Loss of interest in usual hobbies or activities
Loss of muscle tone
Low blood pressure
Low vitality (fatigue)
Male pattern baldness
Mental disturbances, including depressions and hallucinations may occur,
moodiness, anxiety or irritability; confusion or psychosis
Mild depression
Mood swings, sudden tears
Multiple skin tags
Muscle loss
Muscle weakness
Non-restorative sleep; waking feeling unrefreshed or more tired than before sleep
Numbness or tingling in arms or legs
Oily or Dry skin
Pain and tenderness throughout the body
Pain and/or numbness in the hands
Peptic ulcers
Personality changes
Premature aging: gray hair, decreased energy, decreased sexual function,
increased body fat, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease
Proximal muscle weakness
Puffy eyes
Purplish-pink stretch marks on the arms, breasts, abdomen, and thighs
Rapid heartbeat
Raynaud’s phenomenon (extreme sensitivity to cold in the hands and feet)
Recurrent bacterial infections
Relatively thin legs and arms
Retention of fluid (edema)
Rounded face
Ruddy complexion with purple markings
Sensitivity in dim light, usually in an oval shaped gray or brown area,
blurring or distortion of the visual image.
Severe fatigue, weak muscles, lack of energy
Shorter, lighter periods
Skin rashes, especially “butterfly rash” on the nose and cheeks
Skin that heals slowly when injured
Skin that is thin, fragile, and bruises easily
Skin ulcers on the fingers
Sleep apnea
Slow pulse, slow heart rate
Social isolation
Soft tissue thickening (flesh) palms of hands and soles of feet
Softening of the spine
Spreading teeth (food gets caught)
Sudden bouts of bloat
Sun sensitivity
Sweating and hot flashes
Swelling in hands and feet
Swelling of the face
Temperature regulation abnormalities
Thin, course hair
Tingling in the extremities (can also be a symptom of B-12 deficiency,
diabetes, or from an alteration in the flexibility of blood vessels.)
Tremors, anxiety
Trouble sleeping through the night (with or without night sweats)
Unclear or double vision
Upper body obesity, weight gain
Vision defects (peripheral)
Vision field disturbances
Warm, sweaty skin
Weakness in lower extremities (can’t get up from squat, difficulty climbing
stairs/difficulty walking), weakness in arms and hands (hand pain, lack of grip)
Weight gain
Weight loss
Widespread pain and muscle stiffness, especially on waking


15 thoughts on “Cushing’s Syndrome Symptoms”

    1. I’m certain there is, but I can not recall what it is at this time. I have not been on my blog for a long time, seems I’m suffering from some memory loss, but I’m going to try to get back into posting on this blog because it challenged me and my brain to function properly.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. If you haven’t seen someone yet or still going through it. An endocrinologist will be the one to diagnose you officially. They start with 24 hour urine collection to test your cortisol levels for the day.
      I JUST had my pituitary tumor removed that was causing my Cushing’s disease.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hi Hayley, how are you doing since having your pituitary surgery? Have your symptoms gotten better? I’ve been struggling with my same symptoms (only getting worse) with the same doctor for 11 years now. I’ve constantly asked to have my hormones checked but it always landed on deaf ears. That doctor retired and today I met my new GP. After 15 minutes of her asking me questions she immediately said it sounds like I could be dealing with hormone surges. I’m going in tomorrow to start the 24 hour urine collection. I’m thrilled to finally be heard!!! Yay!!


      2. I have had 2 failed pituitary tumor removals. Within a month my cortisol levels are high again, so the next step will be to remove my adrenals so I cannot produce cortisol anymore.
        The 24 hour cortisol tests will be the first test in the steps to help find out what is going on. You can also request a pituitary MRI along with an adrenal MRI to help things going a little faster.
        Unfortunately Cushing’s disease is so unheard of that it takes 7-12 years to get a diagnosis.

        Liked by 1 person

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